About Bakson Formula D Tablet
Bak Formula D
tablets are anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-pruritic combination that
offers relief from skin ailments
Uses of Baksons Formula
D Tablet
Extreme dryness, cracks and excessive scaling.
Helps in tightening of skin with edges
Composition of Bakson’s
Formula D Tablet
Calcarea fluorica 3x
Calcarea sulph. 3x
Kali sulph. 3x
Natrum sulph. 3x
Arsenicum album 6x
Rhus tox. 3x
Doses of Bakson Formula D Tablet
For dry eczema take 1 tab, twice daily
For wet eczema take 1 tablet, once daily
For psoriasis take 1 tablet, once daily
For lichen planus take 1 tab, twice daily
For urticaria take 1 tab, twice daily
For infantile eczema take 1 tab,
dissolved in water, on alternate day
For nappy rash take 1 tab, once daily
Side effects: There are no known Side-effects
- Stock: 152
- Packsize: 75tab