Most of us have heard about this wonderful remedy known as Nux Vomica, which is very commonly used by many of us, our relatives or friends.
Today, let’s explore more about this wonderful medicine in detail.
General Introduction:
Nux Vomica is commonly known as poison nut and belongs to the family Loganiaceae of the Plant kingdom. It is known as the King of the Polychrest Remedies.
In homoeopathy Medicine Nux Vomica is mostly prepared from the seeds of the plant. Seeds of Nux Vomica contain alkaloids like Strychnine and Brucine, which if taken in large amounts, can prove toxic for you, but homoeopathic medicines have these in very diluted forms and thus are safe to take.
Nux Vomica has marked action on the following parts:
Nervous System
Gastrointestinal system
Genitourinary tract
Constitution of Nux Patient:
Nux Vomica is pre-eminently a male remedy because many of its constitutional features resemble the male population. Though due to changing times and modern lifestyles many females also require Nux Vomica for their treatment these days.
Patient is thin, nervous, irritable, quick and active.
People leading sedentary lives usually require Nux Vomica.
Patients who have a tendency to overdo their work, studies, remain a lot involved in their business mentally.
People affected by over usage of allopathic medicines.
People living an indoor life with excess mental strain, intake of stimulants like tobacco, coffee and wine in great amounts, rich and spicy food.
Workaholic patient who seeks wine, women and wealth best describes the Nux Vomica Patient.
Mental Symptoms:
Sensitive to all sorts of noise, light, odours, pains etc.
Very irritable, gets angered easily.
Patients usually have a habit of fault finding and scolding.
Wants to be alone, cannot bear to be touched.
Patient suffers from anxiety and restlessness, mostly in the evening.
Patients suffer from withdrawal symptoms with over sensitiveness and nervous excitability.
Patients feel that time passes too slowly.
Head Symptoms:
Headache especially in the occiput, over the eyes associated with vertigo.
Patient feels as if the brain is revolving; vertigo which is associated with momentary loss of consciousness.
Pain on top of head as if a nail is driven into.
Semi lateral headaches (Migraine) from excessive use of coffee.
Headache is worse in the sun.
Eye Symptoms:
Patient suffers from tensive and pressing pain in the eyes.
Bruise like pain in the yes.
Eyes sensitive to light, worse in the morning.
Patient sees sparks or blackish spots in front of the eyes
Atrophy of Optic nerve due to regular use of intoxicants.
Ear Symptoms:
Painful shooting pain in ears, otalgia.
Patients suffer from swelling of Parotid glands.
Itching in the ears.
Loud sounds cause pain to the patients and angers them.
Blocked nose especially at night.
Nose is inflamed and red from inside and is very sensitive.
Much cold in the morning; nose bleeds in the morning sometimes.
Sensitive to odours, odours cause faintness.
First half of the tongue is clean, the back covered with deep thick fur.
Children who suffer from mouth ulcers.
Heaviness of tongue associated with difficulty of speech; lisping; stuttering.
Sour taste of mouth and sour odour of breath.
Heat and redness of face, patient feels as if he is sitting in front of a fire.
Dry and fissured lips, associated with pain.
Patients suffer from swelling of submaxillary glands, which is painful on swallowing.
There is a sensation of roughness and tightness in the throat.
Uvula and tonsils swollen associated with shooting and pressing pains.
Sensation of constriction in throat.
Burning in the throat which sometimes extends down to oesophagus and to the mouth.
Patient suffers from continuous nausea and an inclination to vomit.
Patient wants to vomit but cannot vomit.
Sour bitter eructations.
There is heaviness as if a stone is present in the stomach, which remains several hours after eating.
Likes to eat fried and fatty food, and digests them too.
Sour taste of mouth, associated with nausea especially in the morning and after eating.
Spasmodic pain in abdomen associated with flatulent distension of the abdomen.
There is soreness in the abdominal walls as if bruised.
Patients suffer from weakness of abdominal ring region thus resulting in hernia.
Sensation of force in lower abdomen towards genitalia.
Patient cannot bear tight clothes in the region of the abdomen.
Sometimes patients suffering from jaundice and gallbladder stones require this medicine.
There is swelling and induration of the hepatic region.
Patient has a sensation as if something alive is moving inside the abdomen.
Stool and Anus:
Most important characteristic symptom of this medicine is constipation, which is associated with frequent ineffectual urging, which is incomplete and unsatisfactory; patients always end up with a feeling that some part of the stool is still unexpelled.
Scanty stools even after much urging.
Patient suffers from blind piles which are associated with shooting, burning pains and pressure in anus and rectum.
There is itching associated with blind haemorrhoids with ineffectual urging to stool.
Urinary System:
Painful emission of urine, drop by drop associated with pain in the neck of the bladder.
Renal stones; pain of renal stones extend down to the genitalia with dribbling urine.
Itching and pains in urethra before, during and after urination.
Sometimes, patients suffer from blood in urine (haematuria).
Patients usually have a high and strong sexual desire; have nightly emissions with sexual dreams associated with backache and weakness of spine.
Painful erections especially in morning and after mid-day naps.
Patients suffer from sexual complaints due to bad effects of sexual excesses and high living; masturbation and its consequences.
Constrictive and shooting pain in testes along with itching and tickling in glans.
Dysmenorrhea (painful menses) associated with pain in back and constant urging to stool.
Labor pains are inefficient and extend to rectum with frequent desire for stool and urination.
Burning heat in genitalia associated with sexual desire.
Menses associated with nausea and vomiting in the morning along with great fatigue, shivering and rheumatic pains in the body.
Patients suffer from irregular menses; menses are bloody blackish in colour.
Females who suffer from Prolapse of uterus might require this medicine.
Respiratory System:
Patients who suffer from asthma, have fullness in the stomach, which is aggravated after eating in the morning and afternoon.
Respiration is shallow; breathing oppressed.
There is a scraping sensation in the throat, with catarrhal hoarseness.
Cough causes bursting headache and bruised pain in the epigastric region.
Neck and back:
Sensation of heaviness and rigidity in the nape of neck.
Back pain in the small of the back, so severe that the patient cannot even move; pain is so much that the patient has to sit up first and then turn in bed.
Burning in spine worse from 3-4 AM.
Rheumatic pains in upper and lower limbs; extremities go to sleep associated with numbness.
Patient has a sensation of loss of power of arms and legs especially in the morning.
Patients might suffer from partial paralysis due to overexertion or getting soaked.
There are cramps in calves and soles.
Patient feels that his body is burning hot, yet he cannot move around or uncover himself because then he starts feeling chilly.
Eruptions on skin with burning and itching.
Skin is red and blotchy; acne; urticaria associated with gastric disturbances.
Patient takes time to fall asleep due to overcrowding of thoughts.
Patient awakes around 3 AM, and remains awake till the day break.
Feels better after a short sleep.
There is chilliness in all stages of fever, and wants to remain covered in all stages of fever.
There is dry heat of the body.
Fever is accompanied by aching in limbs and gastric disturbances.
Nux Vomica patient is usually -
Mental exertion
After eating
By touch
Intaking stimulants, spices, narcotics.
Cold weather, etc.
At rest
Nap in the evening
Damp, Wet weather
Strong pressure, etc.
So, that was all about our medicine Nux Vomica.
I am mentioning a few references of Nux Vomica in varying forms and potencies of various leading brands in homoeopathy for your ease, you can have a look.
SBL Nux Vomica dilution 6CH, 30CH, 200CH, 1M, etc.
ADEL Nux Vomica Dilution 30 CH, 200CH, 1M, etc.
Dr. Reckeweg Nux Vomica 6 CH, 30CH,200CH, 1M, etc.
Willmar Schwabe India Nux Vomica 30CH, 200CH, 1M, etc.
Other potencies and tinctures of the same as well as other brands are also available.
Dosage: Different patients require different potencies of Nux Vomica depending upon their susceptibilities; therefore, one should consult their homoeopathic doctor first before taking any homoeopathic medicine.
Avoid self-medicating as much as possible to prevent any complications.
- Stock: 173
- Packsize: bottle of 10 ml Dilution