About REPL Dr. Advice No 10 (Alopecia)
As its name suggest Nodu-less means no nodes, it helps to
treat nomeruos nodules helps in all kind
Also Known As: REPL Noduless
Composition of REPL Dr. Advice No.10 Alopcia Drop
Selenium 6x
Lycopodium 12x
Wiesbanden 6x
Acidum Flouricum (Flouric Acid) 6x
Kali Sulpuru 6x
Silicea 6x
REPL Dr. Advice No.10 Alopcia Drop Uses
Falling of Hairs
Premature Baldness
Gray Hair
Yellow dandruff, moist sticky bald spot
Violent itching in scalp
Moist scalp head - which itches
falling off of the hair.
5-10 Drops with 1/4th cup water 3-4 times daily for 3-6
Side effects – There are no known side effects
- Stock: 193
- Packsize: Alopecia 30ml