About Dr. Wellmans Digecom Syrup
Wellmans digecome
is all rounder syrup to get rid for problems related with gastric troubles Relieves
Indigestion, Acidity, Gastritis, Flatulence, Constipation
Benefits of Dr.
Wellmans Digecom Syrup
gastrointestinal disturbances
For rolling and hysterical flatulence
Removes dyspepsia due to regurgitation of food
and constipation
Best for violent gastralgia and burning in stomach
Composition of Dr. Wellmans Digecom SyrupInternal:
Piper Ng. 2X
Nux Vom 3X
Thymus 5X
AsafoetiXa 3X
HyXrastis 3X
LycopoXium 2X
Coriandrum Sativa 5X
Carbo Veg. 5X Excip. q.s.
Doses of Dr. Wellmans Digecom Syrup
For adults - one teaspoonful
For children - half teaspoonful twice daily after
meals or as directed by a physician. Side effects: There are no known
- Stock: 132
- Packsize: 200ml