Wrinkles can be treated with homeopathy

Wrinkles are a normal part of aging. They are most noticeable on skin that has been exposed to the sun, such as the neck, face, and hands.

Even though genetics is the main factor in skin texture and structure, sun exposure can be a significant cause of wrinkles, particularly for those with pale skin. Wrinkling can also be caused by smoking and pollutants.


Wrinkles refer to the lines and wrinkles in your skin. Some wrinkles may become deep lines or furrows, which can be particularly noticeable around the eyes, mouth, and neck.


Wrinkles can be caused by a variety of factors. Some you can control, some you cannot.

     Age. Your skin becomes more fragile and elastic as you age. The skin's natural oil production has decreased, making it more dry and wrinkled.

     The fat in your deeper layers of skin shrinks. This results in saggy, loose skin as well as more prominent lines and crevices.

     UV light exposure. The primary reason for early wrinkles is ultraviolet radiation. UV light damages the skin's connective tissue, collagen, and elastin fibers. These are found in the dermis layer.

     Your skin will lose strength and flexibility without the support connective tissue. The skin begins to wrinkle and sag prematurely.

     Smoking. Smoking can increase the natural aging process of your skin and contribute to wrinkles. This could be due to the effects of smoking on collagen.

     You have repeated facial expressions. Fine lines and wrinkles can be caused by repeated facial expressions and movements, such as smiling or squinting. A groove is formed beneath the skin every time you use facial muscles. As skin gets older, it loses flexibility and becomes less flexible. These grooves become permanent features of your face.



Abrotanum: Wrinkles around the eyes.

Aurum Mur. Syphilitic patients may have wrinkles on the face.

Calcarea carb: Wrinkles around the abdomen. These wrinkles are caused by the relaxation of the muscles following delivery. The abdomen has loose, hanging folds of skin. These could be caused by fat men who have exercised to lose abdominal fat and girth and then stopped exercising.

Calcarea Phos. The whole body becomes wrinkled, giving it a wilted appearance. This is a great remedy, especially if the patient is thin.

Natrium mur. Wrinkles around the neck

Lycopodium: Wrinkles on forehead

Silicea 6x: A child's face is wrinkled like a monkey's. The child has a large abdomen and is weak.