Treatment with homeopathy for HYDROCELE


When a young adult patient reports swelling in the scrotum that is painful when examined as well as fluid fluctuation. It is an indication of hydrocele.

 Hydrocele is a type of fluid inside the tunica vaginalis. Many anatomical types of hydrocele exist, but these are more of an academic in nature than clinical interest. Idiopathic hydrocele may aspire but the procedure for treatment is safe and of a lasting nature. It could develop after injuries or infection. Gonococcal infections are the most commonly cited cause, but due to a decrease in gonococcal incidence, these hydroceles are decreasing in frequency. Other infections that are not specific to urinary tract infections can cause hydrocele.


The most common sign of hydrocele is the painless swelling of the testicles, either one or both.

Adult men with hydrocele might experience discomfort from the heaviness of a swollen scrotum. pain generally increases with the size of the inflammation. Sometimes, the swollen area might be smaller in the morning and larger later in the day.


A hydrocele may develop prior to birth. Normally the testicles fall from the baby's developing abdominal cavity to the scrotum. A sac is attached to each testicle, allowing fluid to be surrounded by the testicles. Usually, each sac is closed while the liquid is absorbed.

Sometimes, the fluid remains after the sac closes(non communicating hydrocele). The fluid is usually absorbed gradually within the first year of life. But occasionally, the sac remains open(communicating hydrocele). The sac can change size or it can flow back into the abdomen. Communicating hydrocele is often associated with inguinal hernia.


A hydrocele can develop as a result of injury or inflammation within the scrotum. Inflammation might be caused by an infection in the testicles or in the small, coiled tube at the back of each testicle (epididymitis).

Homoeopathic Medicine

CONIUM MACULATUM: Very useful to treat the negative effects of suppressed sexual desire.Useful for prostatitis accompanied by bleeding of prostatic fluid. It is a sign of poor memory, urinary troubles, and sexual insanity.  

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PULSATILLA is a useful remedy to reduce swelling of the scrotum. If there is pain from the abdominal to testicles. Highly effective in the treatment of Epididymitis.Useful for an intense yellow and thick discharge from the urethra.  

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RHODODENDRON is a useful treatment for hydroceles in boys who are young after birth. If there is painful stinging from the spermatic cord into the abdomen and the thigh. Testicles that are painfully swollen, and more so on the left side.Useful for painful and swollen testicles.Very beneficial for itchy, sweaty, and wrinkled scrotum. 

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STAPHYSAGRIA Useful for hydrocele, especially the following self-abuse. There is an intense itching sensation on the scrotum.

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