Homeopathy Therapy for Ringworm
"The term
"ringworm" (or "ringworms" is a reference to fungal
infections that occur visible on the skin. It was believed that the condition
was caused by a worm, but that isn't the case. Ringworm is a fungus-related
infection within the skin. But the name "ringworm" is a cliche. Certain
fungi cause circular areas on your skin however, many of them do not. On the
other hand, numerous round spots on the skin do not appear caused by a fungal
infection. An examination of the affected skin, a study of skin scrapings with
a microscope, as well as tests for culture will help medical professionals make the right distinctions. An accurate diagnosis is crucial for the success of
The medical term used
to describe the ringworm is tinea. (Tinea is the Latin term used to describe
the worm that is growing.) Doctors may add another word to identify the
location of the fungus. Tinea capitis, as an example, refers to scalp ringworm,
tinea corporis refers to an underlying fungus tinea pedis to feet fungus, and so
The Causes
The world is awash with
yeasts, molds, and fungi, just a handful have a negative impact on skin. These
are known as dermatophytes. They refer to "skin fungal infections."
Skin fungi live on dead layers of keratin protein, which is located on the
surface of the skin. They do not usually penetrate further into the body. They are
unable to be found on mucous membranes such as those that line the vagina or
Some fungi are only
found on human hair, skin, or nails. Others are found on animals and rarely are
they discovered in human hair. Others are found in the soil. It can be hard or
even impossible to determine the root of an individual's skin fungus.
Moisture and heat help
the fungi to grow and flourish and thrive, which is why they are more
frequently located in skin folds such as those that are located in the groin,
or in between toes. This also explains the fact that they are often spotted
in locker rooms, showers, and swimming pools. The reputation of this is
exaggerated, however, as many individuals who suffer from "jock itches"
also known as "athlete's feet" have not contracted the disease from
athletic facilities or locker rooms. facilities.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic medicines
are able to help reduce the intensity of the symptoms resulting from the illness
and offer effective relief with no adverse negative effects. They are also
beneficial for the immune system. Homeopathy can be used in the treatment of
chronic relapsing illnesses. Homeopathy is a treatment for the source of
disease and will make the disease disappear. Homeopathy is highly recommended
to treat ringworm.
● Rhus Toxicodendron
The skin is extremely burned itching and stinging due to this fungal infection.
The skin symptoms can be alleviated by warming the area or bathing it by
bathing in warm water.
● Sepia
there is a brownish or reddish rash. The person is cold and seeks comfort in
blankets. The itching can be worse due to sweating and excessive heat. The
symptoms are more severe when it is damp but improve with fresh air.
● Sulphur
Use to treat scalp infections that cause burning and itching that is severe.
● Tellurium
It is useful for ringworms that mostly affect the trunk area. Eruption creating round patches of intense irritation and redness.