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SBL Naja Tripudians 200 CH (30ml)

SBL Naja Tripudians 200 CH (30ml)
-15 % -15 %


Not many amongst us have heard about this wonderful medicine Naja Tripudians, which is a very good medicine for heart diseases.  

Let’s understand more about this medicine. 


General Introduction: 

Naja Tripudians commonly known as Indian Cobra, belong to the family Elapidae of our animal kingdom.  

Naja Tripudians is known to be a Sarcode because venom of the cobra is used to prepare the homoeopathic medicine. 

Naja Tripudians has a marked action on the following parts: 

  • Brain 

  • Heart  

  • Throat  

  • Respiratory system 

  • Female genitalia 


Naja patients have their ailments due to -  

  • Grief 

  • Alcoholic drinks or wine. 


Naja patients have an appearance as if they are intoxicated. There is swelling of the body along with local inflammation. Patient is restless, moaning, tossing his head from side to side. There is a depression of both the mental as well as physical powers. 


Mental symptoms: 

  • Patient is very forgetful and absent minded. 

  • Mind keeps on wandering. 

  • Patients constantly brood over imaginary troubles; sad, depressed, melancholic patients. 

  • There is suicidal insanity. 

  • Patient suffers from a delusion that he is being injured by his surroundings and he is under superhuman control. 

  • Patients have fear of rain and to be left alone.  

  • Patient does not want to talk; blurred speech. 




  • Headache mainly in the left temple and left orbital region, which extends to occiput and is associated with nausea and vomiting and is better by smoking. 



  • There is ptosis of both the lids; eyes wide open and insensible to light. 

  • Eyes fixed and staring; pupils dilated. 



  • Patients suffering from the complaint of chronic otorrhoea, with black discharges and offensive smell like that of herring brine are much benefitted by this medicine.  

  • Patients have illusions of hearing. 



  • There is severe coryza which is thin and acrid in character. 



  • Face is pale, thin and greenish-yellow in colour. 

  • Lips are dry, parched, cracked, hot and sore. 

  • Cheeks are reddish in colour. 



  • Mouth is wide open and the tongue is cold. 

  • Tongue is coated yellow or white and is dry with no thirst. 

  • There is great dryness of the mouth. 



  • Fauces are dark red in colour. 

  • There is a rough and scraping sensation in the throat. 

  • There is much mucus in the throat; pressure and gagging in the throat. 



  • Appetite is lost. 

  • Much craving for stimulants which aggravate his complaints. 

  • Patient suffers from heartburn and eructations; eructations taste like that of barley water. 

  • Acidity. 

  • Nausea and vomiting. 



  • Patient suffers from cutting, twisting and gripping pains. 

  • There is much flatulence which is associated with rumbling and colicky pains. 


Stool and Anus: 

  • There is a sudden urging to stool. 

  • Diarrhoea is profuse, sudden, slimy, white or green in colour and is associated with pain in the abdomen. 

  • Patient has a sensation of heat in the anal region along with itching and smarting. 


Urinary organs: 

  • There are deposits of red sediment, mixed with mucus in the urine. 


Male sexual organs: 

  • There is an increased sexual desire but little physical power. 

  • Males suffering from nocturnal and involuntary emissions may find this medicine useful. 


Female sexual organs: 

  • Patients suffer from neuralgic pain in the left ovary, which is usually felt as an obscure pain in the left groin region. This pain occurs especially in post-operative cases. 

  • There is an aching pain in the left ovary with pains in heart. These pains come on before menses become worse till the menses appear and then remain silent till the next cycle. 

  • Females suffering from thin, whitish leucorrhoea are benefited by this medicine if the other symptoms match. 

  • Amount of milk is also decreased in lactating women. 


Respiratory Organs: 

  • Patient suffers from irritation and tickling in the larynx and trachea; there is tightness and fullness in the larynx. 

  • There is an episode of short, puffing cough every minute. 

  • Whitish viscid mucus is expectorated in the morning on waking up. 

  • There is an asthmatic constriction of chest and patient is unable to expand lungs which is followed by mucus expectoration. 

  • Respiration is very slow and shallow and scarcely perceptible, laboured and difficult. 

  • Dry hacking cough is sometimes associated with spitting of blood. 

  • Patients suffer from a heavy pain over the lower half of the right chest with much pain on deep inspiration. 


Heart and Pulse: 

  • There is a severe pain in the region of heart associated with an uneasiness about the heart. Heart symptoms are associated with pain in temples and forehead. 

  • A very good remedy in cases of acute and chronic endocarditis, also a good remedy in cases of heart damage after some infectious diseases. 

  • There is an irregular pattern of pulse where pulse can be slow and irregular in rhythm or rapid, full and strong. 

  • There is an audible beating of heart. 


Neck and Back: 

  • Patients suffer from rheumatic pains in neck and back. 

  • There is an aching pain in the nape of neck, between the shoulders and in loins. 



  • There is an aching pain in the ankles, thighs, wrists and shoulder joints, all these parts feel bruised on waking up in the morning. 

  • There is a sudden prostration of strength in limbs. 

  • Patients suffer from rheumatic pain in their arms and legs also. 

  • Patients feel that there is a sudden weakness while walking in the evening. 

  • Cramps in shoulders, nape of neck and thighs are also felt by the patient. 



  • Naja is a very good medicine for pimples and boil-like eruptions with inflammation, gangrene and painful chilblains on feet. 

  • There is a creeping, itching and tingling sensation in the skin. 



  • There is great sleepiness and much yawning but the sleep is disturbed and the patient remains restless throughout the sleep. 

  • But when the patient sleeps, he sleeps like a log with stertorous breathing. 

  • Patients have vivid dreams and also the dreams of murders, suicides, fires etc. 



  • There is an icy coldness of the feet and extremities are extremely cold. 

  • The body is cold and collapsed. 

  • Patients have a burning sensation and hot flushes. 



Naja patient is usually -  


  • Worse 

  1. From use of stimulants 

  1. By motion 

  1. By exertion, etc. 


  • Better 

  1. From walking in open air 

  1. Riding in open air 

  1. By smoking, etc.


 So that was all about our medicine Naja Tripudians. 


I am mentioning a few references of Naja Tripudians in varying forms and potencies of various leading brands in homoeopathy for your ease, you can have a look. 

Other potencies of the same as well as other brands are also available. 



Dosage: Different patients require different potencies of Naja Tripudians depending upon their susceptibilities and symptoms; therefore, one should consult their homoeopathic doctor first before taking any homoeopathic medicine. 

Avoid self-medicating as much as possible to prevent any complications.

SBL Naja Tripudians 200 CH (30ml)
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