About SBL Ferrum Phosphoricum 12X (450 gram Pond)
SBL Ferrum Phosphoricum is a tissue salt, Is minerals salts firstly used by Dr. Wilhelm Schuessler is used for Anemia after delivery or operation, Bed wetting, Improves Hemoglobin, Recovery
Also Known As:
Fp, Ferr Ph, Ferr Phos, Ferr Phosphorica, Ferr Phosphoricum, Ferrum Phos, Ferrum Phosphorica
Uses of Ferrum Phosphoricum
· Anti-inflammatory
· Reduces fever
· Accelerates healing
· Reduces bleeding
· Act as anti biotics
· Helps in frozen shoulders
· Rheumatism
· Helps in Bedwetting
Composition of Ferrum Phosphoricum
Ferrum Phosphoricum
How to take Ferrum Phosphoricum
Take tablet put it on tongue allow to dissolve it completely
For adults and Teens, take 2-4 tablets, 4 times a day
For children under 12 years, take 2 tablets a day
Side effects: There are no known Side effects
Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals
Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol.
- Stock: 149
- Packsize: 450g