About Ralson
Smoothie Drops
Ralson Remedies
Smoothie Drops makes your skin problems to fade away with smoothness and similar
related issues like Acne & Pimples, Freckles & Blotches, Dry Skin with
Brown Spots
Uses of Ralson
Remedies Smoothie Drops
It is used for
all kinds of skin related issue give relief from following issues acne,
pimples, dry rough skin and scaly skin
Composition of Ralson Remedies Smoothie Drops
Berberis Aquifolium Q
Kali Bromatum 2x
Pulsatilla Nig 3x
Calcarea Carbonica 3x
Thuja Occi 5x
Mangifera Indica 2x
Doses of Ralson
Remedies Smoothie Drops
10 to 15 drops in water
thrice daily
Side effects: There are no known Side-effects
- Stock: 166
- Packsize: 30ml