Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Beech BFRLatin Name: Fagus SylvaticaProcess of Making : Boiling MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Critical Thoughts· &nb..
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Chicory BFRLatin Name: Cichorium IntybusProcess of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Possessive ·
Overcome Past Lovable Memories· &nbs..
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Clematis BFRLatin Name: Clematis Vitalba Process of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Dreaming of the Future Without Working in the
Daydreaming ·&n..
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Crab Apple BFRLatin Name: Pyrus Malus Process of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
The Cleansing Remedy·
Sense of Not Being Clean (obsessed of cleaning
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Gorse BFRLatin Name: Ulex EuropæusProcess of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Great Hopelessness and Despair·
Assuring That There Is So Little Hope of Relief·&nbs..
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Heather BFRLatin Name: Calluna VulgarisProcess of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Demand Attention·
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Holly BFRLatin Name: Ilex AquifoliumProcess of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Hate· ..
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Impatiens BFRLatin Name: Impatiena RoyleiiProcess of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
People Who are Easily Irritated and Impatient·
Doesn’t like delay in l..
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Oak BFRLatin Name: Quercus PedunculataProcess of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Exhausted But Keeps Struggling On·
Overwork ·  ..
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Olive BFRLatin Name: Olea EuropæaProcess of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Exhaustion Following Mental or Physical Effort
With No More Energy Left·
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Pine BFRLatin Name: Pinus SylvestrisProcess of Making: Sunshine MethodPsychological Symptoms :·
Who Blame Themselves·
₹110 ₹130
Brand: Bhandari
Information on Bhandari Rock Water BFRSource: Healing water from special wellsPsychological Symptoms :·
Hard Work Masters·&nbs..
₹110 ₹130