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Hapdco Reumatone Syrup (450ml)

Hapdco Reumatone Syrup (450ml)
-16 % -16 %

About Hapdco Reumatone Syrup

Also Known As :HPD Reumatone Syrup,  Hapco Reumatone Syrup

Symptoms: Sprains, Stiffness of Muscles, Swellings, Pains, Sciatica, Joint pain

Composition of Hapdco Reumatone Syrup

·         Ledum Palustre

·         Rhus Toxicodendron,

·         Actae spicata

·          Capsicum Annuum

·         Ginseng

·         Natrum Salicylicum,

·         Hexamin

·         Natrum Bromatum

·         Lithium Benzoicum

·         Kali Bichromicum

·          Bryonia alba

·         Magnesium Phosphoricum

·         Natrum Phosphoricum

·         Belladonna

·          Withania Somnifera

·         Hypericum Perforatum.

Hapdco Reumatone Syrup Used for

·         It is used for arthritis and gout lumbago, neuralgia and for swelling of joints.

·         Gouty pains

·         Swollen, hot, pale. Cracking in joints

·         Pressure over sacrum, coccyxdynia. Injuries of spine (fractures, sprains) with sharp, shooting pains.


1 teaspoonful three times a day or as directed by the physician.

 Side effects: No side effects of Reumatone Syrup are known

Hapdco Reumatone Syrup (450ml)
M.R.P (Incl. of all taxes)

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