About Bakson’s Rheum Aid Tablets
Bak Rheum Aid
tablets helps you to deal with any king of muscular or joints pain in any part
of body, Helps to build Musculoskeletal in Kids or Adults
Uses of Baksons Rheum
Aid Tablets
Tones up the Musculoskeletal system.
Relieves pain, stiffness and impaired
functioning of affected parts.
Effective and painless relief with no side
Composition of Rheum
Aid Tablets
Calcarea phos
Ferrum phos
Kali. phos
Natrum phos
Magnesium phos
Berberis vulg
Rhododendron chrys
Rhus tox
Doses of Bakson Rheum
Aid Tablets
Adults: 1 tablet, 3 times a day.
Children: 1 tablet, 2 times a day.Side effects:
There are no known Side-effects
- Stock: 158
- Packsize: 200tab