About Bakson’s Flu Aid Tablets
For relief from Lowers
Mild to High Temperature, Body Ache, Headache, Sneezing, Allergy
Uses of Baksons Flu
Aid Tablets
Shortness of breath
Breathlessness or dyspnea, wheezing, apnea
Heart diseases and lung diseases like COPD
Emphysema, chronic bronchitis and lung cancer
Recurrent Cough and Cold. Fever (pyrexia)
Allergic Rhinitis
Composition of Flu
Aid Tablets
Arsenicum album 200
Gelsemium semp. 200
Eupatorium perf. 200,
Bellis perennis 200
Bryonia alb. 200
Doses of Bakson Flu
Aid Tablets
3 tablets at bed time.
Side effects: There are no known Side-effects
- Stock: 154
- Packsize: 75tab